
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Hebrews 10:24-25

At St. Peter’s we emphasize both the value of gathering as a community, and the joy of reaching out to our wider community, that they might hear the Gospel and know the love of God.

Upcoming Parish Events

Parish Calendar

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Community Outreach & Service

Ministry to the Homebound

St. Peter’s visits a local assisted living facility twice a month to spend an hour or more with the sweet residents worshipping with them. We sing familiar hymns with the residents, pray and take prayer requests, read Scripture, and give a short homily on the Scripture passage. Sometimes, we read inspirational stories and Scripture and encourage them to share their life’s stories.  Contact Deacon Nina Bolton for more information at

Wednesday Washday & Bicycle Ministry

St Peter’s volunteers provide free laundry service Wednesday mornings at the Laundromart in the Winn-Dixie Plaza, 1516 S. French Ave.  (HWY. 17-92) in Sanford. We supply the money, detergent, bleach, and the smiles. We have washed clothes for over 1250 different people; over 21,500 loads of clothes. The washday typically serves about 40 people each week. We frequently give away bicycles in a random drawing and have given away more than 600 bikes to date with each bicycle we give a set of lights and a chain and a lock. Contact Ernie Mander for more information at

Mountain of Hope, Honduras Mission & Relief

St. Peter’s support Mountain of Hope with their annual medical mission to our clinic, which provides critical medical care to the region. Individuals and families walk for miles from surrounding villages to be helped. The mission trip includes Vacation Bible School for the surrounding village as well as well drilling and maintenance to provide clean water for the surrounding areas. For more information, please visit the Mountain of Hope website.

Grace & Grits Saturday Morning Breakfast for the Homeless

St Peter’s serves 60 – 75 people a hot breakfast of meat, eggs, pancakes, grits and cereal Saturday mornings at First Presbyterian at 4th and Park in Sanford. We also provide donated pastries and bread which can be taken home. Contact Duncan McCulloch for more information at